2017 was a year of enormous growth for Jaxx. We’re starting 2018 with nearly three quarters of a million confirmed, regular users of Jaxx.
At this time last year we had approximately 16,000 users on Android. Today we have around 295,000. That’s a 20 fold increase in 12 months. The growth story is very similar on our other platforms (iOS, Chrome extension, desktop, etc.).
In total there are over 713,000 regular users of Jaxx. There are 295k users on Android, 297k users on iOS, 121k users of the Chrome extension, and an uncounted number of desktop users. There are also many hundreds of thousands more people who choose to use the Jaxx software anonymously on desktop (since we don’t track users actively, in line with our stance on privacy), or who use the application infrequently (i.e. not using it within the 30 day window that we use for counting users). In total we estimate that there may be over one million Jaxx users globally, but we prefer to give the most conservative numbers.

On iOS (iPhone primarily) we’ve seen 30x growth in “Active Last 30 Days” users, which is the measure of how many users have used our application in the last 30 days. This is an important number for us because it’s the real measure of users, as opposed to just measuring downloads. As with all cryptocurrency software, more people download our product than continue as long-term users. In total, our application was used approximately 30,000,000 times on iOS in 2017.
Because of the way iTunes tracks iOS users, we can only see the percentage of people who have opted-in to sharing data with us, and the total number of people who have shared data. By multiplying these numbers we obtain a final user count of 297,571 users active within the last 30 days.
In a typical day, we see approximately 3,000 to 8,000 new people download Jaxx for the first time on iOS. We think this is largely new people to the blockchain ecosystem, but we know that we also have some users switching to our product from other wallet services.
On the Chrome extension store, the Jaxx application has around 121,000 users. Jaxx was the first Chrome extension wallet available on the market and it continues to be popular, even while we’ve expanded to other platforms.
The Jaxx website has seen an astonishing increase in traffic in 2017. In January of 2017 there were fewer than 20,000 visitors to Jaxx.io. In December of 2017 there were over 650,000 visitors to Jaxx.io.
And 2018 is already off to an incredible start. More people visited our website in the first two weeks of 2018 than visited the site in the first six months of 2017. This reflects a general growth in the number of people getting involved in cryptocurrency and digital assets, as well as increased utility of the Jaxx application. Nearly 60 tokens (and their corresponding communities) are accessible through Jaxx, right now, on all of our platforms.
A typical day sees approximately 100 people using the Jaxx.io website at any given time.
To go along with our user growth, Jaxx has recently moved to a new 15,000 square foot office in downtown Toronto, and we’re quickly adding to the team. If you’d like to be a part of the Jaxx growth story in 2018 please don’t hesitate to reach out to us: careers@decentral.ca.