Decentral is seeing an increase in attempted scam attacks targeting Jaxx Liberty users. These attempted attacks are almost always of a social rather than technical nature, and there are steps you can take to avoid
Jaxx Liberty is a product designed for privacy and security. But what does “security” mean? How does a user-controlled wallet help you to stay safe and what can you do to ensure that your digita
As Decentral’s Chief Security Officer, I’d like to share a few thoughts with you about a recent NPM vulnerability that you may have read about in the news. Rest assured, Jaxx Classic and Jaxx Liberty
We take great pride in offering one of the best, free, multi-platform, multi-currency digital asset wallets in the industry, and with it comes a world-class support system, but we do not offer and have never
We have good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news. There was an imposter account on Twitter with the handle @jaxxsupport which was confusing people. Please note that our company tweets about
On the Topic of Segwit2x VS Bitcoin Core and Replay Protection Regardless of the outcome of the coming hard fork in November, your funds will be safe on both chains. Some websites claiming to b
The ongoing debates surrounding consensus, scalability and governance of decentralized system have led many in the Bitcoin community to believe that there’s a possibility of an hard fork on the horizon. I want to tak